Voyager Transport Incubator
The Voyager Transport Incubator is the most versatile and customizable Transport Incubator on the market

Voyager Transport Incubator
The Voyager Transport Incubator is the most versatile and customizable Transport Incubator on the market
We understand access to auxiliary support equipment is crucial during transport. That is why the Voyager can be customized to ensure the right equipment is configured in the most ideal position possible
When combined with other medical devices, the Voyager transforms in to a mobile NICU with a wide range of clinical therapies and capabilities. From cooling to high frequency ventilation and everywhere in between, the Voyager can be outfitted with similar capabilities as an advanced NICU
The Voyager is the cornerstone of our transport incubator fleet and the most popular model sold to date. Thousands have been put to use all around the world transporting the most fragile additions to humankind
About the Airborne Voyager Transport Incubator
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From a high risk delivery to a NICU graduation and everything in between, International Biomedical’s infant care solutions are with you every step of the way.