How Does an Infant Warmer Work?

Infant warmers are essential in neonatal care, helping neonates maintain a stable body temperature, especially when they are born prematurely or develop health complications. These devices are crucial in preventing hypothermia, which can lead to serious health issues if they are not addressed promptly. In this blog post, learn how different infant warming products keep skin temperature constant and aid in necessary medical procedures.

Understanding Infant Warmers

Infant warmers are designed to regulate and maintain a newborn’s body temperature. They eliminate radiant heat loss by keeping heat that would otherwise escape their body. Newborns, particularly preterm infants, are at risk of rapid body heat loss due to their small size and lack of body fat. Infant warmers provide a controlled source of heat to keep critically ill infants and newborns warm and safe.

There are various types of infant warmers, including radiant warmers, incubator warmers, and localized warmers, such as heel warmers. Each type serves a specific purpose, depending on the infant’s needs and the medical setting.

How Infant Warmers Work

Radiant Warmers

Radiant warmers use infrared heat to provide thermal support. They are typically used when immediate access to the infant is required, such as during medical procedures. The heat output is directed from above, warming the infant’s body without requiring physical contact. A common type of radiant warmer used in the NICU is the radiant warmer bed, such as our Infatherm Warming Mattress. Infant radiant warmers keep infants comfortable, safe, and warm in the hospital.

Incubator Warmers

Incubators provide a controlled environment where the temperature and humidity are regulated. These warmers completely enclose the infant, offering protection from external temperature changes while maintaining a consistent internal climate. All of our neonatal transport incubators come with some form of skin temperature sensor and heat source to sustain healthy thermoregulation in the hospital and during transport. Incubator warmers differ because they manage the air temperature through a closely managed enclosed environment.

Localized Warmers

Localized warmers, such as heel warmers, are designed to warm specific parts of the infant’s body. These are often used to improve blood circulation and generate the desired temperature in a targeted area, making it easier to perform medical procedures like drawing blood. They come in unique shapes and sizes to better conform to the infant’s heel, keeping warmth where needed. 

Infant Warming Products from International Biomedical

Infant Heel Warmer

The Infant Heel Warmer is a small, single-use device designed to warm an infant’s heel before procedures like blood sampling. Squeezing or snapping the warmer activates a chemical reaction that generates heat. The warmth increases blood flow to the heel, making it easier to collect blood samples while reducing discomfort for the infant. This simple yet effective product plays a vital role in neonatal care by ensuring that procedures can be performed quickly and efficiently.

Infant Heel Snuggler

The Infant Heel Snuggler conforms to the infant’s heel, providing gentle, consistent warmth. It dilates the blood vessels in the baby’s heel using a controlled amount of heat emitted from the foot wraps. The product is shaped like a butterfly with two soft perforated straps for a comfortable and secure fit. The Heel Snuggler ensures that the infant remains comfortable while medical staff can perform necessary tasks with greater ease.

Infatherm Warming Mattress

The Infatherm Warming Mattress is a specialized device designed to provide consistent, uniform warmth to infants in a variety of clinical settings. This warming mattress is particularly beneficial for maintaining the body temperature of newborns who are at risk of hypothermia. The Infatherm Warming Mattress operates by distributing gentle, even heat across the entire surface, ensuring that the infant remains warm and comfortable throughout their stay. Its flexible design allows it to be used in incubators, radiant warmers, or on open beds, making it a versatile tool in neonatal care.

Benefits of Using Infant Warmers

Preventing Hypothermia

One of the primary benefits of using infant warmers is the prevention of hypothermia. Maintaining a stable body temperature is crucial for newborns, especially those who are premature or have low birth weight.

Improving Procedure Outcomes

Infant warmers like the Infant Heel Warmer and Infant Heel Snuggler improve the outcomes of medical procedures by increasing blood circulation in targeted areas. This makes it easier for healthcare providers to perform tasks like heel pricks, reducing the time and discomfort involved.

Providing Infant Comfort

Infant warmers help keep newborns comfortable during medical procedures by providing consistent warmth. This improves the infant’s overall experience and allows medical professionals to carry out procedures with less stress on the infant.

Equip Your NICU with the Best Infant Warmers

Infant warmers are indispensable tools in neonatal care, providing the necessary heat to keep newborns safe and comfortable. Whether it’s a warming mattress, an incubator, or a localized product like the Infant Heel Warmer or Heel Snuggler, these devices play a crucial role in supporting the health and well-being of newborns.

Contact us today. Our team is ready to help you find the right solutions for your NICU.